Captain america the first avenger movie cover
Captain america the first avenger movie cover

captain america the first avenger movie cover

captain america the first avenger movie cover

I’mma go watch the movie now and feel better T.T. Yes it’s a kids book but kids deserve better. I was going to go easy on this book, even willing to forgive the multiple typos and the fact that this whole narrative is basically the same sped up dialogue from the Fractured Fairytales portion of the Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoons (google it, kids), but I cannot forgive blatant continuity errors that make the sequel IMPOSSIBLE and the fact that this book has no climax and no ending. I don’t mean in the “duh” way - he never fell from the train. I mean I get this is a kids book but come on! You showed Erskine’s death just fine. No epic fight, no witty banter, no tesseract disintegration, no Capsicle. Cap goes to the cockpit to confront Red Skull then nothing. I was going to go easy on this book, even willing to for So I, uh, didn’t finish the book.

#Captain america the first avenger movie cover plus

Where’s the comeuppance? Plus Bucky is still alive. Steve simply finds him in a cage, no sign of experimentations, and he survives the train (which is much more explicitly set up as a trap).

captain america the first avenger movie cover

The only thing of interest is that in the script on which the novelisation is based Bucky apparently wasn't supposed to die. It also constantly switches POVs, which I found rather irritating. I'm not sure i makes sense if you haven't seen the movie, actually - it sure doesn't make you care about anyone except maybe (maybe!) Steve. It's very bare bones, racing through the action and not bothering with things like characterisation or transitions. The only thing of interest is that in the script on which the novelisation is based Bucky ap Disappointing I knew this was just a "junior novel", but still, I'd hoped for more. Disappointing I knew this was just a "junior novel", but still, I'd hoped for more.

Captain america the first avenger movie cover